Everything is Cancelled… Almost!

Everything is cancelled… ALMOST!

I know! I know! 

We all had some major plans and a detailed vision of how 2020 was going to go for us, but then everything we had planned exploded into tiny pixels and all we can see in the near future is the everlasting smoke clouds circling around us. We are impatiently waiting for the sunshine to break through.

Several of my plans for writing retreats and writing conferences have been cancelled for this entire year, as I isolate myself at home. This sounds like devastating news, however, there is a silver lining to all of this…

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Setting & Achieving Your Writing Goals

Paul Zizka Photography @paulzizkaphoto https://zizka.ca/

Is writing your day job? Or like me, do you have to fit it in between the many things that fill a mid-life. I remember days in my late twenties when I could like on the couch and do nothing. Why did I waste so much time? (Okay, I was recovering from getting a university education and further designation, so I won’t be too hard on my younger self.)

But now, with a day job, two teenage girls, several pets, a husband and a house – time is of the essence. Not to mention the biggest time factor in life: getting older. Yet, I’ve decided to start my novel all over again. Read more