Perception Is Everything

This week my blog takes me to looking at the shape our world is in.
Perception is everything.
Wars, poverty, pollution, stress, disinformation, mental illness, greed, corruption, isolation, bigotry, patriarchy, toxic masculinity, the 6th wave of mass extinctions.

 It’s a mess.

 young people these days

Listening to the news and reading social media, one can start to feel pretty hopeless.
I keep seeing complaints about young people these days and how they are disrespectful, lazy, privileged, want everything handed to them, etc etc etc.
And I don’t know who they’re talking about.

rife with messes

I have watched my adult kids and their cohorts grow into caring, passionate and involved citizens, even as they face a future rife with messes they didn’t make.

The ‘millennials’ I know are deeply concerned with the condition of our planet, the exploitation of other peoples’ children for the sake of accruing phones and other gadgets, the deterioration of environments that we need to have thriving and in balance for our own survival, the rights of people to self-actualization.

an act of humanity

For many years when they were little the kids used to choose toys for someone their own age to put in the Firefighters’ Toy Box. For someone they would never meet. They instinctively knew to share with others was an act of humanity. Community. Connection.
As they got older, their anonymous gifts became things like donations to emergency relief funds, to the Food Bank, donating blood, volunteering for social justice causes at their schools: anti bullying, taking part in fundraisers, picking up litter in the community, being allies.

a sustainable future

I perceive how bright and thoughtful young adults all over the world make lifestyle choices every day that reflect their vision of a sustainable future that would encompass making space for others, sharing, enriching, dealing fairly. Rejecting old notions of colonialism, sexism, bigotry, ruination of the land. Raising children with those values.

Perception is everything.

Andrée Levie-Warrilow

A Montréal expat, Andrée Levie-Warrilow has lived in Owen Sound since 1984. She is a perennial reader, blogger, volunteer, gardener, working artist, Master Gardener, and member of Ascribe Writers. Andrée loves books, history, Star Trek, gardening, soccer, mystery novels, science, art, music, rocks, and wolves - most of which somehow wend their way into her stories. Her writing has also appeared in anthologies of short stories, poetry and non-fiction: poetry in Things That Used to Matter (2022), and an essay in Aging in Place (2024). She is presently working on a collection of short stories.

One thought to “Perception Is Everything”

  1. Great blog, Andree. I agree with you about the younger generations. We don’t have to look very far to witness their values and priorities for the planet and the advancement of social justice. The troubles going on in the world are overwhelming and dominate the headlines but there is much positive work and change happening that is hopeful.

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