A new friend of mine is currently walking the Bruce Trail and writing about her adventure.
Elisha and I met in May on a virtual forum; a national summit on social activism and advocacy. Biographies were shared among the registrants and we connected over a shared love of writing.
She recently received a Canada Council of the Arts grant to walk the Bruce Trail end to end together with her mother, Donna. Her goal is to publish a collection of poetry, prose and photography exploring their relationship and documenting their journey hiking the Trail.
Upon learning of the project, I eagerly offered to help with any practical support they needed when making their way through the Owen Sound area. So far, they have had a pit stop at my home and I have been able to provide a few rides to and from the daily start and stop points.
The logistics of completing the 890-kilometre main trail on foot, in a matter of weeks, requires a fine-tuned system. Elisha charts all the details on spread sheets. Elisha and Donna are adamant that the project would not have been possible without the network of supporters they refer to as Trail Angels whom they have connected with along the way.
Donna’s van is their home on wheels for the duration of the hike. Equipped with solar power, they have some comforts such as heat and cooking capacity when the sun shines. The women start each day driving the van to the area where they will end their daily trek. Volunteer Trail Angels then drive them to where they will begin the day’s hike.
During the short spurts of time we have been together for dinner and drives, they generously answer questions, share their reflections on the walk so far and the surprises and difficulties that have arisen. They are learning lots about themselves and noticing how their relationship is evolving. Their mother and daughter relationship component of the project is very interesting and I look forward to reading more about the changes and revelations each of them will have experienced in that regard.
This project seems like such a unique way to explore creativity. The funding support allows for the luxury of time to focus and grow as a writer and artist. All of this against the beautiful, natural backdrop of trees, rocks and water. You cannot help but be inspired to think more broadly about what is possible.
Elisha spends most evenings getting her thoughts down about the day’s events but has set aside several months for further writing and editing after the hike is completed. She is expected to have her work published by spring of 2023.
Anyone wishing to read their posts can access the blog elisha.hikes
It has been fun to get to know these two determined women and to share in a very small way the spirit of their adventure. They expect to walk the last leg of the trail on September 30th. What an accomplishment!
I hope they have plans to celebrate.
So great! Would love to hear more about this! Thanks for sharing.