The Struggle

Struggle sums up my recent experience on the writing journey.

Bringing funny, sad and soul stirring to life on the page is a lofty and elusive goal.

Maybe it’s just grappling….as always, for the perfect word or phrase. There’s a lot of second guessing going on; should the idea be distilled or expanded, and why can’t I settle on one story long enough to finish? Figuring out the rhythm, not over using the word ‘the’ and oh, the distractions….. enough said.

The good news is that I’m writing steadily these days. I’ve got some great beginnings and have happily discovered I no longer need Read more

Snow Day Celebration

It was a week of struggle and triumph in our little neighbourhood last week as we coped with the winter storms that plummeted Grey & Bruce Counties.

Six households share the small side street, all visible to each other therefore easily surveyed for signs of life and progress digging out.  A new neighbour with an obvious back injury was not long shoveling by himself.  Help arrived from several directions like a well trained SWAT team easily dispatched to assist.

The initial flurry and fuss slowed to a steady pace by mid week and a cycle of work, rest and fun was established.  Daily check ins were the norm and collaboration ensured the  best approach to broken snow blowers and snowman sized boulders at the end of our lanes.  Everyone was eventually able to come and go – if they wanted to.

As fun as it is to meet the challenges of so much snow, my favourite part is when we surrender and decide that resistance is futile.  I love that moment of doing a quick inventory of essentials and realizing that, yes, we’ll survive just fine for a day or two.  When there is no worry about getting out or going anywhere and there’s nothing to do but enjoy the beauty around us; from a warm, snug spot by the fire.

Friday afternoon was just such a time.  Neighbours arrived bearing all things necessary for a snow day celebration; music, wine and snacks.  We played euchre, cribbage, scrabble, sang some tunes and got to know each other a little better.  Nothing like a shared work project to pull folks together.

Let it snow, let it snow.

Day One


Today Hubby and I are celebrating thirty-five years of marriage.

Hopes and dreams of writing have been with me at least that long but unlike the marriage, I haven’t really made the commitment. Mostly I’ve talked about writing.

I am prepared. A comfy nook waits for me; shelves crammed full of a hundred books about language and use of words. Well, at least thirty books. Does anyone need advice on how to write the perfect toast, blessing or witch’s chant? Read more