When our son moved downstairs, I took over his bedroom and renovated it into my writing space. I justified it by calling it an office and a guest room.
This room became my place of bliss. Especially when COVID hit, and I needed somewhere to hide for Zoom meetings, online conferences, and virtual writing gatherings. With a big window, a calming colour palette, pleasant lighting, and an ergonomic desk and chair, my room was always inviting. The small touches helped as well, like having my spare computer plug sitting ready and waiting, making it super easy to plunk myself down. My mood can always be met as I can lounge on the cushioned couch/guest bed or lean back on the perfectly sized recliner.
When a cat in need presented to my veterinary practice, pregnant with nowhere to have her kittens, I volunteered to bring her home. Unfortunately, the only open space for her to take up residence was my writing room. I cleared away my personal belongings, set up a cat litter, removed the soft furniture and covered my luxurious rug with mats and sheets.
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