The How of Writing a Novel, the Second Time

They say there are two types of writers: those who outline and those that don’t. But aside from outlines, writing a novel can produce an enormous amount of material that needs to be organized. What kind of writer are you? Floating along happily lost in the creative process, your words flowing out in a continuous stream of creativity? Or are you looking at the novel in front of you wondering how to bring it all together? Read more

The Dark Night of the Soul


I can’t imagine winter without Christmas. This celebration of light at the darkest time of year coincides with the end of my busiest time at work. As Christmas approaches, a frenzy of activity reaches its peak as we prepare up until those last moments before Christmas morning.

I always take some time off after this craziness. My boss has flown to more temperate regions, deadlines have been met and now it’s time to exhale and enjoy time with my family. But where in all this is the time to write? It sits in my belly like a seed waiting to be watered, waiting to see light.

It takes steely effort to find time for extra-curricular activities at this time of year. But all these frenetic, extroverted activities satisfy part of my soul and leave, in me at least, a deep craving for silence, for solace, for selfishness. I look forward to the dark nights ahead with no planned activities, just the storms blowing outside. We’ve satisfied our bodies with too much to eat and perhaps too much to drink. Now I can sit and write undisturbed, not feeling as if I’m missing out, too dog-tired to care. Read more

The Magic of Writing Groups

A-Scribe Writers Group Christmas 2013

In Buddhism they say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. While I haven’t always found that to be true, I have found, when the writer is ready, the writing group will appear. I’ve been lucky to be part of a few writing groups in my lifetime, and hope to be part of a few more. There’s a wide variety of groups out there, but what I’ve needed as a writer has appeared at just the right moment. One thing all my writing groups have offered is camaraderie, cheering, and a few good laughs. All these serve to keep our spirits up when the way gets dark and lonely and the road of life gets a little bumpy. Read more