Discovery and Architecture

I’ve struggled with the labels,  “planner” (or sometimes referred to as “plotter”, which sounds even worse) and “pantser”.  For me, a planner sounds boring even though I love plans and structure.  But in writing context, the term conjure up images of plodding along like the fabled turtle and although you might win the race, it’s kind of a boring journey. Where’s the excitement, the thrill? A pantser should be more fun but in the writing context, it sounds irresponsible. Like a partier who may be having the time of their life while writing their book but will wake up the next morning with a wicked hangover and realize most of what they wrote had nothing to do with their book and rambled in nonsensical manner in the light of day.  I don’t like either label. 

Then I heard someone use the words: “a discovery” writer verses “an architect” writer in an online lecture.  These are the same concepts but the words helped me understand why and when you may choose one method over the other.  Most of us are likely somewhere in between or may vacillate between these two methods in different stages of writing.  Moreover both words sound so much better than planner and pantser.  

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Writer’s Block–Actually Procrastination?

What am I going to write about?

What, What, What?

Open Twitter. Find a thread where an unknowing and naïve person says to a writer,

Writing a book must be so easy!

Bark out loud in shock! Cover mouth because I will wake the kids and the husband who is working nights and then they will invade my space and I will get absolutely nothing done. Revel in liking every single response from all the writers who responded back with hilarious, shocked, pissed off gifs. I love twitter. And there goes another half hour.

Not only do I have a novel to complete drafting—I am currently taking a course through the Writer’s Digest University and my next assignment is due in less than 24 hours, my author website needs updating, the bookkeeper is waiting for our farm books, I still haven’t unpacked the kids back packs from summer camp, there are half completed renovations in the back yard, the barn chores need completing, fur balls, laundry heaps and dirty dishes are threatening to mutiny all over my house, bills need paying, I promised myself I was going to submit a blog to Andy Rourke’s website and next weekend is the Muskoka Novel Marathon wrap up and I still haven’t read the books I bought from the other authors this summer and THIS BLOG IS DUE.


How do I waste so much time? I know it’s a talent, but why do I have to be so darn good at it?

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Coming Back to the Page

I’m not writing. I’ve been busy. (Aren’t we all?) I’ve taken on a new job of teaching two courses. Preparing to teach was a steep learning curve for me. And I’ve been travelling. Not far–all within a three-hour drive. But enough that it’s disturbed my regular writing practice. And we’ve had company. But that’s summer.

The only antidote to not-writing, is writing. I’m a firm believer in journals and morning pages. I’m a student of the Natalie Goldberg and Julia Cameron method of writing–just getting it on the page. Now that I’m back in my routine, I’ve gone back to my morning pages.

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The Two Best Times Of The Year To Write

quill pen and paper
When to write ….

During any given year, there are two times that come up that are the absolute best times to write if you are a writer.

In fact, even if you’re not a writer but simply aspire to being one, you can take advantage of these two great times when, during the circling calendar the stars align, but more importantly the time is the most opportune for writing.

And lucky you, I, a professional writer, am going to share the secret of these two times with you.

I am honoured to do so …

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Truth About The Writer’s Million-Dollar Question

This week a writing friend of mine, Colleen Winter, who is publishing her debut Sci-Fi Thriller novel, THE GATHERER in November 2019, sent me a text message:

HELP! I have a million-dollar question for you today. How is it that you give the appearance of being on social media a lot, but you say that you actually aren’t on very much? I’m trying to organize my life and could use some tips.

I chuckled, but understood the panic of trying to write a novel with a deadline, plus manage your social media accounts, plus be a mom, feed the kids, show up for your job in body, mind and in good spirit, shop for groceries, cook, eat, clean up… and the list goes on and on and on.

Here are some real truths that may or may not answer her million-dollar question:

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Road-trip Vignettes

I love road trips and I love my life-long friend, Jenn. 

Jenn was widowed just over a year ago and when she shared with me that her attempts to be brave and independent included a drive to the east coast this summer, I jumped at the chance to be her co-pilot on the journey.

It would be the second such adventure for us as we’d taken a cross country drive together over forty years ago – before spouses and kids – to Edmonton, Alberta. That trip was in my 1968 Camaro. This time we hit the road in her trusty GMC truck with Border Collie, Blue along for the ride.

Destination: Nova Scotia! 

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