So. Writing, eh?
I have a curious relationship with writing. I can’t seem to stop. By that, I mean every day I have to write at least something here and there, days when the words just materialize by themselves. I like days like those. They help build up my novel. Because there are often the other days when I can’t seem to get the words to come at all, or the world conspires to keep me from the computer or the foolscap, and then I just find my fount of inspiration to be as dry as a Californian gully.
I have used the phrase, “I have to write.” Each day, I aim for a certain portion of time to be spent on writing my novel. I bet you have more discipline than me and actually spend part of yours like that. Your words flow out and the project you’re working on builds up each time. The sentences flow. It’s great! Progress!
I have to write, but I don’t write for very long in one stretch. My poems are short, my episodes of working on my novel jags of writing with an eye on the word count. Sometimes the flow comes and I can get lost in writing for a time. But what if you couldn’t stop? Read more