When people ask me what I do, and I tell them I write, I get some pretty interesting responses. I’ve had people tell me they think it must be interesting to read as a writer. And I think, “But you’re a writer.”
I’ve had people say they’ve always wanted to be a writer and some day they intend to do just that. And I think, “But you’re already a writer.”
I’ve had people say they’ll never be a writer, they can’t write. And I think, “But you are already a writer.”
Note that I only think this …
I don’t tell them this out loud. If I told them the truth they might become competition for me. I’m not really keen on competition.
No, I just nod and say, “Oh, really?”
And they reply, “Yes.”
… and then I just smile and look at them until they become uncomfortable and either change the subject, or change the person they are talking to, or do something else.
Oh what a tangled web we weave …
[pullquote]… but my lie is one of omission. I omit to tell them what is right in front of them. I do this because they lied to me first.[/pullquote]
Yes, I’m deceiving these people, but my lie is one of omission. I omit to tell them what is right in front of them. I do this because they lied to me first.
Writing is the simple act of putting words or thoughts down on paper. I am not aware of anyone in my circle of acquaintance that isn’t capable of that.
However, if you are telling me you are incapable of the mechanical process of putting words on paper, then by all means, use voice to text software and have your computer take dictation. It really is that simple.
And while I don’t tell people that the idea that they can’t write is just not true, I haven’t always been this stuck up.
I used to tell people they weren’t right when they told me they couldn’t write. And do you know what they would tell me? They’d tell me that they couldn’t put the words together. They’d say “I can’t put the words together.” They’d say “I can’t put the words together.”
Did you hear that?
That’s right, they’d actually put those six words together perfectly. So I’d respond with “Could I have that in writing, those words you just put together there?”
Writers write. They don’t do anything else. They aren’t obligated to do it well. They need never sell a single word, they need only to write.
But if they do wish to write well at some point, the only way is to actually learn to write well. That takes practise, writing practise, the kind you get when you’re writing, or talking, or thinking purposefully in prose.
What I’m telling you is you must be mad if you think that writing is something special that requires something that you don’t have. If you can talk, you can write. The difference is simply in the recording of the words.
So, if you tell me you can’t write, I’m going to look you in the eye and say “Oh really?”