Is It Though?

A while ago I began a novel about a cat, and its friends, other cats, who do extraordinary things. It’s been a while since I have visited with those words, with those cats.
One of the things I’ve done in this life to support myself was blog writing. Not this blog, this pays only in satisfaction, though that should never be considered a negative or nil income.
I’d like to say it also pays in exposure, but if we’re being realistic here, you two people reading this as a percentage of the world population are functionally zero.
(No no, I don’t mean you don’t matter. You’re important. Can we talk about that later, perhaps privately? Thanks.)
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, one of the things I’ve done was blogging. But I started that late in life. Let’s see, I think I was 52 years old. Before that I had been writing for periodicals. I was in my late forties when I started that.
I’d also been a personal support worker for years. Oh, and a computer technician, in fact I owned my own company repairing and selling PCs, parts and peripherals. Before that I was a computer programmer in an alternate, DOS based reality. Previous to that I worked as a pressman in a printing plant.
Feels like I’ve left things out
Interspersed through this all I was a contractor’s skilled assistant often enough. Also I worked on farms as seasonal labour because I’d grown up on a farm. I remember getting paid to do graphic arts for a couple of publications. I’ve done IT work for websites to. And I drove rural mail for a while. I’ve done a lot of things, I feel like I’ve told you this before.
But now I’m 64

I’ve been wondering lately if I’m too old to try something new. Maybe? Maybe not. I’ve never been one to let intelligent choices stand in my way though. I recently became a father for the first time in my life, and during nap times I started learning about programming micro controllers such as Arduinos and Raspberry Pies (that’s actually supposed to be Raspberry Pis, but when you read that it often gets pronounced wrong in your mind).

On top of that, I’ve started learning how to design 3d things like cases for micro controllers and just recently while napping I accidentally ordered a 3D printer. Well, since there were a few extra steps involved in upgrading my order to a slightly better than entry level printer with an extra free roll of filament I can’t really say it was an accident, but I was pretty drowsy so …
But what does any of this have to do with … anything?
Oh, right, I’ve been rambling again, haven’t I?
Well, the thing is, as a new, and full time, stay at home father, I find I’m too tired to do much serious writing. So to keep my mind sharp I’m doing these things I’ve mentioned just now.
And of course I still try to create social media content that I flatter myself by thinking might be amusing to some. I write posts here on AScribe, I write a monthly radio show, and I’ve been called on to write the occasional article here and there.
But am I too old now?
Am I too old to pick up where I left off with my novel?
Well, yes, right now I might be. But give me a couple of years to get back on track, keep an eye on me and just see if I don’t get younger again, just see if I don’t get young enough to pick up that pen and herd those cats back into action.
You see, life isn’t over until that last bell is rung and those last words have slipped past my lips. And that will be a long while yet, ’cause I’ve got way too much left to say.
Lovely blog! I might be reader #4???? Lol. Thanks for sharing!!!