Firing My Inner Critic

My inner critic’s behaviour has been out of control lately so it is time for it to GO!

We all know the niggling, negative self talk that can undermine us in so many ways in our lives. Mine is especially loud and obnoxious when I write. It is such a powerful force that on countless occasions it has caused me to trash every word written thus far and start over. My inner critic is a slimy slug who sneaks up on me when least expected. 

That is until recently. I started to notice a pattern in the critic’s appearances. They always occurred when I was well along in a project, happily writing, confident with my plan then WHAM! Suddenly everything turned to crap and nothing was salvageable. A strategy was required to put the critic in its place. 

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Accountability Partners: Are They Beneficial?

Accountability Partners: Colleen Winter & Lori Twining

I have a simple goal: I want a writing career.

Unfortunately, it is not as simple as quitting my day job and writing the damn novel. Other things factor into a writing career, besides having money to pay the bills. In 2021, as a writer, it is essential to have a social media presence, network with others, be searchable on Google, be knowledgeable and experienced with the craft of writing, have an agent, have a publisher, and the list goes on and on. It is endless.

Is a writing career something I can do alone?

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Taking My Own Advice

I have tickets to see The Rolling Stones this week at a venue that is practically in my backyard. This is surely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, yet as of right now I don’t know if I’ll attend.

It was an exciting impulse buy but even as I hit the key to purchase, the option of selling the tickets was on my mind. 

This ambiguousness has become a familiar frame of mind for months now, reflected in several areas of my life including my writing or lack thereof. Floundering in a fog of second guessing and self-doubt is not a totally unfamiliar state but I generally feel more in control of decision making and moving forward.

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