I’m late. (not PREGNANT… just late, at life – everything, but specifically, this blog is late)
We set a blog post deadline. We give ourselves this deadline and ask that we keep to it as practice… practice in professionalism. How will we ever be expected to meet submission deadlines, editing deadlines, a launch deadline if we cannot keep to our own blog schedule?

Then my brain starts to hummmmm… maybe I shouldn’t be a writer, maybe I don’t have what it takes, why is my brain so foggy, maybe this is that pesky-peri-menopause thing again, perhaps this is all just too much, I’m letting everyone down…
I’ve known the due date for weeks… MANY weeks in truth. How? How did I fail to get it written?
I enjoy writing these blogs. Very much so.
I’ve got every excuse in the world and yet no perfect excuse. I knew the deadline. I saw it coming.
Sure, I was on vacation. Sure, I was busy caring for others, then pretending to care for myself. Sure, I was distracted by family obligations, a sudden health scare with a beloved family member, the completion of a memorial for a deceased furry loved one…
I was immobile, incapable, tongue tied… is this, dare I say, writer’s block? Read more