A New Year’s Resolution to Keep!

A New Year’s Resolution to Keep!

2018 will not be a year of resolutions to get organized, set a regular housekeeping schedule or become vegan. Similar resolutions made in the past have been dropped by the wayside by February 1st. Typically, only eight percent of resolutions are kept for the year, according to a December, 2016 Huffington Post article. There will be no more resolutions designed to change an undesired trait or behaviour, for me. No more shooting for the moon and setting myself up for failure.

I plan to be part of the eight percent success statistic this year because I am resolved to retire in 2018.

Why do I need to make a resolution to retire?

For too long I’ve flirted with the idea, struggling to give up work in a field I am committed to and that I love. Something about saying it out loud and writing it down makes it real and will hopefully banish any more days of wondering if it’s time. I’m promising myself to get started on this new stage of my life. It is time.

The secret to success.

Retirement is attainable and I’m excited about it; two keys to ensure it will happen. Importantly, I am seeing it as a wonderful beginning and not just an ending. In fact, future resolutions will focus on fun only; plotting and planning how to tick off more items on my bucket list.

Renewed writing resolve

What I’m most excited about as I anticipate retirement is the time I’ll have for writing, of course. Ironically, I can’t really say I don’t have time for writing currently because theoretically I do. But it’s been a familiar refrain from me for years that I’m just too busy. In reality, it’s the unreasonable preoccupation with other worries, duties and activities taking up too much of my time and thoughts that prevents me from getting it done. So, retirement will allow the sweeping of cobwebs and decluttering my mind of intrusive to-do lists, deadlines and other nine-to-five employment responsibilities. The notion of having nothing else to do but write is a delusion, however appealing, but I will relish a focus on writing instead of it being squeezed in among other priorities. Once the decision is made, providence has a way of taking over and hopefully hard work, luck and creativity will converge to give me a reset on my desire to write and I can start anew every day. Sounds like fun, right?

Calling all muses

I’m a little giddy, like anticipating the start of a new school year or gearing up for spring cleaning. Being excited about cleaning may be a stretch but there’s no denying the energy that comes with spring and we know that days of longer light are coming. Right now I’m as clear and sunny as this beautiful New Year’s Day and am keeping my eye on the prize of retirement and writing achievement. Assistance from any and all creative muses is most humbly welcomed.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and inspiring 2018!

Write on!



Bernice Connell

Verging on retirement from paid work, Bernice is excited to be getting to the work and fun of writing. She's thrilled to be relocated in southern Ontario after 35 years in the northwestern part of the province. Being a writer of short stories is her goal.

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