The Struggle

Struggle sums up my recent experience on the writing journey.

Bringing funny, sad and soul stirring to life on the page is a lofty and elusive goal.

Maybe it’s just grappling….as always, for the perfect word or phrase. There’s a lot of second guessing going on; should the idea be distilled or expanded, and why can’t I settle on one story long enough to finish? Figuring out the rhythm, not over using the word ‘the’ and oh, the distractions….. enough said.

The good news is that I’m writing steadily these days. I’ve got some great beginnings and have happily discovered I no longer need to work in a linear fashion, that I prefer the popcorn approach and revisiting on a whim to tweak and advance the story. It’s been a surprise to me that often the final product has absolutely no resemblance to how it began.

And when the forces of the universe align and I’ve written something that perfectly expresses my intent, well, that’s every writer’s payoff.

So, I’m keeping the faith and embracing the struggle; trusting that words will unfold as they should and that I’ll see the path clearly when the time is right.

Struggle is everything; within it lies the challenge, the striving and ultimately the reward.

Bernice Connell

Verging on retirement from paid work, Bernice is excited to be getting to the work and fun of writing. She's thrilled to be relocated in southern Ontario after 35 years in the northwestern part of the province. Being a writer of short stories is her goal.

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