Hey Good Writer, Whatcha Got Cookin’?

Autumn in our part of the world is upon us again.. That lead me to thinking about making soup and that lead me to thinking about what goes into soup, and that made me think of good ingredients and then that lead to my thinking about what ingredients go into making a good story.

Soup starts off reasonably simple: you make a stock, you add your chosen ingredients based on the kind of soup you want, and then you add some seasonings. And from that basic start, one can veer off to anything from a spicy Thai broth to a comforting potato and leek chowder. One is limited only by one’s imagination and personal taste.

And this brings me around to writing.

I am fascinated by the choices of genre that appeal to my fellow Ascribe writers. Some are writing thrillers, some romance, some fantasy. Some have elements of all of those plus other seasonings, as it were, such as placing their stories in settings of times long past, or times far into the future.
But whatever genre you’re writing, if you think about it, there are also basic ingredients to a successful novel, regardless of genre. These are the elements that we writers want to have in the mix of the stories our imaginations cook up:

recipe for a successful novel

Likeable characters, – or at least interesting if they’re not likable. Easy-to-follow structure. Engaging plot. Interesting subplot(s). Effective but not overused dialogue. Visual description.

get some interesting subplots

Each author brings their own measurements of these ingredients to their work, as do I. I seem to find myself writing more character-driven plots, and then I have to figure out a way to get some interesting subplots going to keep the story from becoming an alternative for a warm glass of milk at night.

brain storm

One of the best things about us getting together is not only to have the wonderful support and encouragement in one’s writing from the group, but also to have the opportunity if we want it to brain storm.

And still using the soup analogy, in the same way you can learn tricks for making a good soup from watching a really good cook, I have picked up some methods to help me make the plot issue become more manageable. I watched someone presenting a storyline on a series of big writing sheets and realised one of the ways I could get a better idea of how to make my sub – plots move along was if I could literally visualise them. And I have been using a large whiteboard at home to do just that. Now we’re cooking with gas!

The great thing about our writing, – and mine, and yours – is we really are the top chefs and with our own words can dish up the book we want to read; be it spicy, thrilling, heartbreaking, romantic, haunting, or all of those elements listed above in different measures.
Bon appetit!

Polaroids With Words


Dear Reader,

If you’ve been perusing these blogs over the years, you have pretty much figured out that we Ascribe writers are always keen to flex our writing muscles. That there are all sorts of opportunities for writing exercises – if you keep your eyes and mind open.

The opportunities I’ve had for practicing what I call guerilla writing forays have come from the most mundane moments: riding the bus to work; crossing a street in an unfamiliar city; hearing an exchange while standing in line in the bank; walking up rickety steep stairs in an old lighthouse. I’m sure you have had similar “aha!” moments where you think, ‘ I want to describe this experience, or that little scene would add to a story….’

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Happily Ever After

On the days when I simply cannot buckle down and work on my novel, I want to at least write something by the end of the day.

make your own ending!

So I look for writing prompts. I’ll shamelessly eavesdrop on conversations, trolling for a line of humorous dialogue or at least a good pun. I am not sure if a grocery receipt in a pocket or the back of an old flyer on the floor of my car count as writing tools, but they are great for recording stolen snatches of conversation or a new idea for a character’s next move.

the weirdest idea came to me

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Now Is The Winter of Our Discontent…or is it?

Winter is not my favourite season… and it’s not because of the outrageous heating bills, the terror of driving in whiteouts, the dodging black ice in the grocery store parking lot,  the shortened hours of daylight, the cancelled music concerts,  or the wind that blew most of the songbirds south.

It’s because I need colour.

I am a devout gardener; my front and back yards are riots of colours for three seasons. Spring and summer and fall each have their own colour-filled delights and they never last long enough. And I’m a visual artist. I sell paintings filled with a range of  colours that convey every mood and emotion you can put on canvas. Every room in my house is painted a different colour.

And yet where do I live? In a Snow Belt.  Read more