End of Year Reflection ~ The Fabulous, The Terrible, and The Explosive Train Wreck

Lori Twining – End of Year Reflection

This is my last blog for 2023. It is hard to believe the year is almost over.

In less than three weeks, we will jump feet first into a new year. It’s impossible to not be sad that you didn’t accomplish everything you were hoping for on your to-do list or goal-oriented calendar. At the same time, excitement is rumbling in your tummy for a new year to start. January always presents a clean slate that allows you to create a new list of endless possibilities.

To make the new goal list, it is always fun to use the week off from work—between Christmas and New Year’s Eve—to realize just how much you have accomplished over the last twelve months. Sometimes, reflecting on our experiences, whether they were fabulous success stories, terrible embarrassing moments, or memorable explosive train wrecks you never want to mention again… they all led to baby steps in your progress to conquer the “big thing” you have been daydreaming about for years.

What is that “big thing” I’m talking about? 

We all have that something we want to conquer. 

For me, I need to finish the final edits on a novel that I shoved on the shelf for a couple of months while I started work on the next one. My ultimate plan: Decide whether the story is ready to query in January or whether I need to roll up my sleeves, pull the whole thing apart, and put it back together again, slightly differently, BEFORE I query it. Decisions. Decisions.

I know, I know. I hear you groaning about me taking forever to finish this thing. You are not wrong. But I want to be proud of my story and feel that there is nothing else I can do to improve it, before I submit to the agents. I want this to be a story you can’t possibly put down once you start reading it. I want you to feel the need to lock yourself in the bathroom, get comfy, and read the whole novel during your own birthday party.

Anyway, that’s enough chitter-chatter about my “big thing,” what is yours? How are you progressing toward accomplishing it?

While you reflect on your past year, give yourself the time and space to examine your life and appreciate the moments of discovery. Think about what you were most grateful for. Did you learn anything new? Were there goals you hadn’t achieved yet? Are there some habits that might give you an edge in attaining them next year?

They say that only one percent of progress seems insignificant at the time, but over 365 days, it all adds up to an enormous difference in the end. It is common for people to have difficulty seeing the big picture, or the end game, and they wonder how they will ever accomplish the massive task… like finishing and submitting that novel. Still, with baby steps, it becomes easier, so don’t be so hard on yourself. If you keep chipping away, you will eventually get to where you want to be. Determination and perseverance is the key, and for me, it is the BUM IN CHAIR EVERY DAY.

Here are a few examples of questions to ask yourself that will help you reflect on your experiences and adventures this past year:

  • 3 things that gave you joy.
  • 3 events that stressed you out.
  • 3 memorable moments.
  • 3 accomplishments you are proud of.
  • 3 missed opportunities or disappointments.
  • 3 things you learned this year.
  • 3 things that made you stronger in mind, soul, or spirit.
  • 3 new people you met and want to keep in your life.
  • 3 people who inspired you and motivated you to get off the couch.
  • 3 unexpected things you are grateful for.
  • 3 new places you visited.
  • 3 terrible things that you did, that you will never repeat.
  • 1 “big thing” to work toward in 2024.

The best part of reflecting on your year is that you will realize you are still growing as a person. Next year, be brave and experience something new that scares you. It is never too late to do extraordinary things, be kind, make a difference in someone else’s life… and accomplish your “big thing” before your life ends. Yeah, sorry, I went there. No one knows when their time will be up, and 2024 might be it for you. So, think about that and see if you can make 2024 more fabulous, less terrible, and absolutely no more explosive train wrecks. 

Good luck with your end of year reflection, and happy holidays.

Lori Twining

Lori Twining writes both fiction and nonfiction, with her stories winning awards in literary competition and appearing in several anthologies and magazines. She’s an active member of many writing groups: International Thriller Writers, Crime Writers of Canada, Sisters In Crime, and Ascribe Writers. She’s a lover of books, sports and bird watching, and a hater of slithering reptiles and beady-eyed rodents. Find more info at www.lvtwriter.com

12 thoughts to “End of Year Reflection ~ The Fabulous, The Terrible, and The Explosive Train Wreck”

    1. Thanks for being my cheerleader, Donna! I really appreciate that. I’m shaking my pompoms for you, too. I can’t wait until we are celebrating our “writerly things” someday soon. The publishing business is a looooong tough road to travel, and I’m happy we are on the journey together (with a few thousand of our closest writing buddies, too). Hugs! Happy Holidays!

  1. I love end of year reflections. And new goals for the new year. I like your questions. I’ll definitely journal on them and see what comes up. I find I start to forget about the first half of the year, so these will be a nice reminder. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And Happy Writing!

    1. Thank you for reading the post, Diane. Sometimes it is hard to remember all the things that happened early in the year, but, you could look through your photos, or check your VISA bill (ha!), or ask the kids what you were doing. I hope everyone at your house has healthy knees for the holidays! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family. Hugs!

  2. I love your posts, Lori. Always inspiring. Thanks for sharing those questions. I’m printing them and keeping them in my journal for that week between Christmas and New Years when I do my reflection.

    1. Oh, Jeanette, you are always too kind. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post. I’m excited that you printed out the list of questions. I look forward to hearing your three things that brought you joy this year. Hope to see you soon. Hugs!

  3. Three things that brought me joy: Kayaking in Newfoundland, Getting to the Nationals Agility competition with Ruby and the writing retreat at Ruth’s cottage where I got to write for an entire week! Thanks for the list!

    1. Oh, Seana! I love those three things. Your trip to the East Coast sounded amazing. Three big cheers for you and Ruby crushing it at Nationals… AND, I love your writing. I am so looking forward to reading your next novel. Could you hurry up with that? 😛

  4. Great blog, Lori!
    So much to reflect on and so hopeful for setting oneself up for the coming year. This is very motivating for me right now and others, I am sure. Your writing is so open and therefore relatable.
    Thanks for the nice Monday morning lift and sharing so beautifully.

    1. Thank you, Bernice! I love that the blog motivated you to answer the questions. Hopefully, you had a wonderful year full of many exciting moments (especially the official retirement ~ I am sooooo damn jealous). I appreciate you mentioning that my writing is so open and relatable, because I’m currently on a short writing retreat wondering if I even know how to put two words together on the page. Ha! Sometimes, I forget how to write. It happens to the best of us. Cheers to a fabulous holiday season. If you have time, call me for a coffee meetup between Christmas and the New Year (I have the whole week off). I’d love to see you and hear all about your writing projects. Hugs!

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