Full of Sound and Fury

What is a blog?
“Blog” : a Weblog, an online journal where an individual or group presents a record of thought, activities, or beliefs.
Here are mine on what has been one hell of a week.
Well, it must be said this past week I have not had to struggle with Blank Page What Do I Write? Syndrome.

Indeed, I have so many thoughts and beliefs churning inside me right now that I wondered if I could ever start. Where to start? What to start with? All I ask for is a peaceful life, a peaceful world.
I’ll start with the most recent and work backwards.

     call the police
Just back from the seniors’ residence where my poor father, who suffers from dementia, had his suite invaded by a woman from another floor. Despite being asked by staff to leave she refused; she has done this before. I was called by frustrated staff so I went back over. I had just dropped my father off from a visit to my place.  Long story short, she ignored my requests that she leave until I started to call the police.


Last night just after 1:00 AM a man driving with over two and a half times the legal limit, smashed his truck into the front door (after driving across the lawn and up the verandah stairs) of a house once owned by the mum of a friend of mine.

60% of Australians voted against giving the Indigenous people of that land a voice in Parliament.

     more people died
Eight more people died today in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Almost 4 thousand have died in the war between Hamas and Israel in the past 8 days.


So what might I, as a blogger, make of all this, from the up close and personal to the remote events unfolding farther afield? How should I sort through the personal of the known to the impersonal and the unimaginable? What activity shall I follow? How will I digest the news and the things in it that matter to me? What will become of all the anger, pain, sorrow, disgust, outrage, helplessness?

All of it will settle in my psyche; some things will stay longer and I guess eventually sink deeper in my consciousness than others.

All of it will inform my writing.

Andrée Levie-Warrilow

Andrée loves the English language. And puns. It all began one dark and stormy night at the university student newspaper office: she went in to volunteer as a proof-reader, and ended up a book and theatrical reviewer. She has worn the hats of a poetry judge, editor, freelancer of non-fiction gigs, proof reader for an architectural salvage company blog, short story author, published poet and shameless enabler of pun smack downs. Last, but not least, Andrée enjoys meeting with her friends and fellow writers of Ascribe, where she gets information - and inspiration - on the arcane mysteries of writing short stories. She is working on a collection right now.

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