Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Summer Writing

This title perfectly describes how I am enjoying writing during these mid-summer days. Well, not exactly lazily. More like leisurely.  I’m eager to write morning or evening pages and it is fun because there are no expectations attached. I commit to twenty minutes but almost always write longer.

It may be too soon to declare that a new habit is established but this latest attempt at the daily practice has continued for more than a month now. How freeing it is to just write direction-less.

 July’s vacation provided lots of free time and I met my goal of relaxed writing about whatever came to mind; observations of people and surroundings, rants and reflections, story ideas, etc. 

This was a successful approach for me. Why? Probably because I am less stressed these days.

Do you know the feeling of only realizing how much something is impacting you after it ceases?

That’s how I’ve been feeling with a return to some normalcy after the desolation that was present during much of the past two and a half years. It was a cumulative effect that kind of snuck up on me. I didn’t fully recognize the impact until it began to ease.

A couple of resets have made a difference; the workload at my paid job has changed and I have shifted some personal priorities. Re-connecting with friends and family in familiar and meaningful ways has brought me back to myself and to the easy feeling of home. Such a simple thing, really, but it has been quite profound for me.

Lots of memories are surfacing, ready to be acknowledged in the writing as well.

A favourite aunt moved to the area a few weeks ago and I am looking forward to spending more time with her. I want to ask about her earliest memories, lost traditions and memorable celebrations and disasters. No doubt she will have lots of stories to share.

I am handwriting the daily pages and I love it. The pen forces a slower pace. There is no temptation to correct and I find it much easier to focus. If writerly wisdom is correct, any and all writing is beneficial so I know it will lead to bigger projects that get completed. 

I am hanging on to my vacation frame of mind the best I can; contented and happy to be getting some traction words-wise. Maybe a few more days off are in order.

The saying goes that August is the Sunday of summer. 

It is ours to savour.

Bernice Connell

Verging on retirement from paid work, Bernice is excited to be getting to the work and fun of writing. She's thrilled to be relocated in southern Ontario after 35 years in the northwestern part of the province. Being a writer of short stories is her goal.

2 thoughts to “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Summer Writing”

  1. I love the idea that August is the Sunday of summer. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for reminding me to slow down and enjoy… savour.
    Great blog!

    1. Thanks very much Donna. I hope your writing efforts are coming to fruition. It was fun following your multi-tasking, super woman weekend of writing and conferencing.

      I am wondering if you got my donation as it was inadvertently sent to your ‘dmv’ email. At this moment our son and daughter-in-law are experiencing bank fraud so it got me thinking.

      Enjoy the rest of beautiful August!

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