Thursday Afternoon Pedicure Book Club

How many times have you been so excited by a book you have read that you could not wait to find someone to talk with about it? You pass it along to a friend with the hope that they will read it quickly so you can share your enthusiasm and discover whether it impacted them as well.

Book clubs are the perfect solution to this dilemma with everyone reading the same novel at the same time and with a scheduled time for discussion. Clubs are as varied as their members are creative. Everything from choosing titles and the structure of their gatherings is negotiated. Rules can be rigid or flexible; don’t attend if you haven’t finished the book, meet at restaurants instead of members’ homes, dress with a nod to the era or characters in the recent read, etc. One group I know of took the last idea to the extreme by attending the club meeting in full Victorian dress for afternoon tea.

The only book club I have been a part of was with two friends during Covid when we met virtually. Our little club was a life saver during such isolation. Luckily, a few friends are avid readers and we make the most of swapping books and our reactions to them. It is almost as much fun to compare notes as it was to read the books in the first place.

It was at a birthday celebration that four of us decided to start a new book club – with a twist. The host of the party had arranged for a pedicurist to attend and provide a pedicure for each of the guests. Amid drinks and birthday cake, the chat came around to enquiring what everyone was reading, as is often the case, and we joked that it might be really fun to have pedicures with friends while discussing books. Why not? The pedicurist agreed to participate, we chose our first book and just like that, The Thursday Afternoon Pedicure Book Club was born.

Our book club has but one rule – to have fun. It is fun sharing perspectives about the read and stepping outside of a genre comfort zone. Discussions always broaden my understanding and appreciation of the writers’ works. Catching up with friends while having a pedicure is a bonus.

It is my turn to choose a title for September’s meeting so I am diving into the ever-growing, must-read stack. There are bound to be a few future favourites in there that I’ll be excited to read and share.

Bernice Connell

Verging on retirement from paid work, Bernice is excited to be getting to the work and fun of writing. She's thrilled to be relocated in southern Ontario after 35 years in the northwestern part of the province. Being a writer of short stories is her goal.

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