Firing My Inner Critic

My inner critic’s behaviour has been out of control lately so it is time for it to GO!

We all know the niggling, negative self talk that can undermine us in so many ways in our lives. Mine is especially loud and obnoxious when I write. It is such a powerful force that on countless occasions it has caused me to trash every word written thus far and start over. My inner critic is a slimy slug who sneaks up on me when least expected. 

That is until recently. I started to notice a pattern in the critic’s appearances. They always occurred when I was well along in a project, happily writing, confident with my plan then WHAM! Suddenly everything turned to crap and nothing was salvageable. A strategy was required to put the critic in its place. 

So, I have started reframing how I experience the critic’s messages and also try to lessen my reactions to the doubt and judgement that take over when I listen too closely to that voice. By anticipating the negative self talk I can thwart a complete ambush.

Negative self talk is a learned response but for what purpose? To ensure we don’t take risks thereby avoiding vulnerability? The critic may prove useful for some folks but I think a kinder, gentler influence would be more motivating for me. Less of an inner critic and more like an inner editor. 

A positive inner voice like that of a good editor would be much more useful to the writing process. An editor asks questions and offers solutions, is neutral instead of negative and can be specific: the conflict doesn’t ring true versus nothing is working. 

A while ago, I applied to participate in a national summit for activists working on the issue of violence against women. The application process included a written component covering my experience and the reasons why I would be a good candidate. After days of weighing the odds of being chosen and pretty much talking myself out of applying, I decided to ignore my critic. Throwing caution to the wind and calling on the editor, I wrote a candid, heartfelt letter to the organizers. 

Among the emails received yesterday was a congratulatory confirmation that I had been chosen to attend the event.

With practice, my inner editor will be showing up more frequently with a good balance of rooting for me and setting me straight. The inner critic hasn’t totally vacated its position but has way less power and influence over me these days. Its days are numbered.

It’s an easy choice in order to hone my skills and write the best stories I can. 

I will be sure to have the last word.

Bernice Connell

Verging on retirement from paid work, Bernice is excited to be getting to the work and fun of writing. She's thrilled to be relocated in southern Ontario after 35 years in the northwestern part of the province. Being a writer of short stories is her goal.

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